Rectory Road, Colchester, Essex CO5 7HR

01206 728517 Lisa Oliver

St Lawrence Church Of England Primary School

Celebrating each other and the journey we share



"The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them."  William Lawrence Bragg


Pupil voice:

We are growing beanstalks and learning about plants. Year 1

We liked creating a garden when we were learning about plants.  Year 3

I like working up to experiments.  I really enjoyed the soundwaves experiment. Year 4

I enjoyed learning about Life Cycles, especially as I could choose which animal to find out about. Year 5

We have been learning about genetics, we looked at characteristics, similarities and variables.  Year 6


Curriculum Intent

Science at St Lawrence C of E Primary School develops investigative, evaluative and inquiry skills.  We make links to how these skills support people in a range of careers using content from Developing Experts.  We aim to provide foundational knowledge, methods, processes, and uses of science by developing a curiosity and excitement about natural phenomena. Through practical experiments and experiences pupils are encouraged to observe, notice, record, evaluate and draw conclusions using increasing scientific vocabulary.  This helps them to predict and explain how things may behave and analyse causes.


Subject leaders: 

C Alexander    Qualificiation: BEd (Hons)

C Roulston     Qualification: BA (Hons) PGCE